G20 MACS Summit in Varanasi, Info, Significance, etc.

The MAHARISHI Initiative will be featured during the G20 MACS summit in Varanasi.

The MAHARISHI Initiative, which stands for Millets And Other Ancient Grains International ReSearcH Initiative, will be featured during the G20 MACS summit in Varanasi.

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The G20 Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists (MACS) is set to take place in Varanasi from April 17 to 19. The topic of the summit is Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems for Healthy People and Planet, which corresponds to India’s G20 presidency theme of “One Earth, One Family, One Future.”

G20 summit Varanasi
G20 summit Varanasi

The Significance of this event is as follows:

Experts will address issues such as food and nutrition security, climate change resilience, One Health initiatives, digital agriculture, and public-private collaborations for research, teaching, and extension at the MACS.

MAHARISHI Initiative Information:

The MAHARISHI Initiative, which stands for Millets And Other Ancient Grains International ReSearcH Initiative, will also be featured during the gathering. In conjunction with the International Year of Millets 2023, this program intends to encourage research and understanding on agrobiodiversity, food security, and nutrition.

12th MACS meeting: the four priority areas:

The forthcoming 12th MACS conference will focus on four key topics in particular. Food Security and Nutrition will be investigated, as will the role of cutting-edge research and technology in tackling these concerns. Developing Resilience and Sustainable Agriculture is another focus, with approaches such as climate resilient agriculture and One Health including a holistic approach to human, animal, and environmental health.

Another key area of research is digitalization for agricultural transformation, which looks at how technology may be used to enhance and expedite agricultural operations. Lastly, Public-Private Partnerships for Research and Development will be considered as part of the meeting’s exploration of how collaboration among many stakeholders may foster innovation and growth in the agriculture sector.

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