Chhath Puja, Origin, Traditions and Rituals, Etc.

Chhath Puja

The Origins of Chhath Puja

Chhath Puja is stated that the ceremonies of Chhatth Puja trace back to the ancient age. Since it is mentioned in the old Vedas, Rigveda has songs praising Lord Surya and demonstrating similar customs. The rite is also mentioned in the Sanskrit epic poem Mahabharata, where Draupadi is described as performing the same procedures.

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According to the poem, Draupadi and Pandavas, the monarchs of Indraprastha (today’s Delhi), performed the Chhath Puja ceremonies on the advice of the renowned sage Dhaumya. Draupadi not only escaped her problems thanks to Lord Surya (Sun), but she also later assisted the Pandavas in regaining their lost kingdom.

Chhath Puja has a yogic or scientific heritage that reaches back to Vedic times. The rishis of old employed this approach to stay alive without any external food intake and to collect energy from the sun. This was accomplished through the Chhath Puja ceremonies.

The Narrative of Lord Rama is another historical document that demonstrates the significance of Chhath Puja. It is says that Lord Rama and Mata Sita fasted together and performed puja to Lord Surya in the month of Kartik (between October and December). At their coronation after returning to Ayodhya after a 14-year exile.

Chhath Puja has since become an important and traditional celebration in the Hindu religion. People of the Hindu religion begin observing it every year in the same month on the same date.

Puja of Chaiti Chhath

Chaiti Chhath, also known as Chota Chhath. It is a summer celebration held on Chaitra Shashthi, a few days after Holi. The celebration takes place in the Hindu month of “Chaitra,” it is known as “Chaiti” or “Chaitra Chhath. This celebration, like Kartik Chhath, lasts for four days and includes Naha Khay, Khurana, Sanjhiya/Sandhya Ghat, and Bhorwa Ghat, or Paran Chhath.

The first day of Chhath Puja is called Nahay Khay. Its translation is “bath and eat. On this day, Vratti, or devotees, take a holy dip or bath in the Ganges and practice self-resistance from worldly goods.

Food that eats on this day:

On this day, ladies who observe the fast eat only one meal throughout the day, primarily Kaddu Bhat with dal (only chana or mung dal). The meal is solely prepared with earth or bronze utensils
The festival’s second day is called Kharna, Lohanda, or Barauna.

On this day, females conduct a day-long fast. They prepare special prasad kheer (cooked rice in jaggery or milk), puris, and fruits in the evening. This prasad is offered to Chhathi Maiya, and the devotee breaks her fast by eating it. The Prasad is thereafter distributed to relatives and friends.

Sandhya Ghat is the third day of Chhath Puja (Evening Offering). The entire day is dedicated to cooking delicacies and prasad. The Vratti and family members dress up and gather on the banks of a river, pool, or pond. They stay for one to two hours to worship the Sun God and perform Chhath songs.

They offer evening arghya or Sandhya Arghya shortly after the sun sets to complete the day’s rites. On the last day (Paran Day) or Bhorwa Ghat (Morning Arghya), Vratti prepares to return to the river, pond, and pool. The sacrifice is made to the rising sun. This is the last day of the Chhath Festival. When Vrattis return home, they break their fast with ginger and water, followed by excellent cuisine.

Puja of Kartiki Chhath

Kartiki Chhath Puja is a prominent Hindu festival observed mostly in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Kolkata, and West Bengal. It is an ancient festival honoring the Sun God. The celebration is called Kartiki Chhath. It takes place on Shukla Shashthi in Kartik month.

According to the Gregorian English Calendar, this normally occurs in the months of October and November. This occasion is commemorated with tremendous fanfare and gaiety because the days of Kartik month are lovely. For four days, the entire environment is alive with Chhath music and traditions that depict India’s ancient customs.

Pandava’s Story

It is believed that the Pandavas were so miserable during their exile in the forest that Draupadi began crying one day. When Yudhishthira saw this, he went to Dhoumya and pleaded for a solution to their plight.
“Hey Yudhisthira, listen,” Dhoumya Muni stated. The food grains that sustain life on Earth are a manifestation of the Sun God. As a result, Lord Sun is their father.

People who worship Him with a pure heart on the sixth and seventh days of the fortnight of Shukla Paksha in Kartik Mas and sing the 108 names of Surya receive a son, jewels, riches, perseverance, and knowledge. ” Yudhisthira began to worship the Lord Sun after being enlightened” by Dhoumya Muni.

The Lord Sun came in front of Yudhisthira, pleased with his devotion, and bestowed upon him a magical copper jar. Lord Sun stated that this pot would cook four different sorts of food for them and would endure till Draupadi, the wife of the five Pandavas, finished her dinner.

In this manner, “the Pandavas rescued”. As a result, It is believed that by worshipping Bhagwan Surya during Chhath Pooja, one can achieve all of one’s aspirations and be free of all sorrow and suffering.

The Importance of Chhath Puja

Chhath Parva, also known as Chhath Puja, Chhath, Chhathi, Dala Chhath, Surya Shasthi, and other names, is a festival honoring the Sun God (Surya Bhagwan). The festival is mostly observed in Northern India, particularly Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. It is also observed in Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Mumbai, Delhi, Nepal, and Mauritius.

The event honors Surya (Sun God) Bhagwaan, whom many believe nourishes life on Earth. The puja is also conducted to seek Surya’s blessings in order to have a longer, healthier, and prosperous life. The event is held between the months of October and November.

Chhath literally means “six,” and the celebration here begins shortly after the Govardhan Puja and ends on the seventh day (Saptami-the Paran/Parna Day). Hindus believe that early morning sunshine may help cure many ailments and is also a significant source of healing. Here’s a quick rundown of the significance of Chhath Pooja.

Chhath’s Yogic Philosophy

According to yogic philosophy, all living entities’ physical or outer forms are highly sophisticated energy conduits. When the human body is subjected to solar radiation of a specific wavelength, solar bio-electricity begins to move into it.

Under certain physical and mental situations, the absorption and conduction of this solar-bio-electricity increases. The practices of Chhath Puja are designed to prepare the devotee’s (Vratti) body and mind for cosmic solar-energy infusion. The Rishis used the same technique as we use during Chhath Puja without eating any form of solid or liquid food.

They were able to take the energy needed for life straight from the sun instead of food and water using the same mechanism. When exposed to light, the retina emits a small amount of energy. As a result, extremely fine energy begins to emerge from the retina. This photo-bio-electricity is transported from the retina to the pineal gland through the optic nerves that connect the retina to the pineal glands that activate it.

Because the pineal gland, along with the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, forms the Triveni, the energy released in the process begins to affect these glands as well. As a result, the pranic activity becomes more regular, providing the devotee (Vratti) with a calm mind and a healthy body.

Chhath Puja Stages

According to Yoga Philosophy, the procedure of Chatth Puja is separated into six stages of the Conscious Cosmic Solar Energy Infusion Technique.

First Stage: Fasting, along with a determination to stay clean, leads to total cleansing of the mind, body, and spirit. This stage causes the Vratti’s mind and body to absorb cosmic solar energy.

The second stage entails standing in a river or a body of water with half of the body immersed. It reduces energy leakage and allows psychic energy (prana) to travel up the psychic channel in the spine (Sushumna).

Third Stage: Through the optic nerves and retina, cosmic sun energy enters the pituitary, pineal, and hypothalamic glands of Vratti.
The activation of the Triveni or tri-glandular complex occurs in the fourth stage.

Fourth Stage: A sort of division occurs in the spine, transforming the Vratti’s body into a cosmic powerhouse. This also activates the dormant psychic force known as Kundalini Shakti.

Fifth Level: At this stage, the devotee’s body transforms into a conduit that recycles, conducts, and transmits energy across the cosmos.

The Advantages of the Chhath Puja Process

The method of Chatth Puja relies on the devotee’s mental discipline. Its purpose is to lead the believer to mental purity. The Chatth Vratti emphasizes preserving the greatest purity in all offerings and the surroundings through the use of several rites.

Hygiene is the one thing that stands out throughout this event. This has a significant detoxifying impact on the mind and body because it causes metabolic changes. The 36-hour fast allows for total bodily cleansing. A thorough cleanse promotes the flow of prana and makes the devotee more active.

The natural immune system expends a significant amount of energy fighting contaminants in the body. Toxins in the body can be greatly decreased through detoxification processes like meditation, pranayama, yoga, and Chatth rites.

As a result of the toxic reduction, energy expenditure decreases, and the devotee feels more energetic. It also enhances skin texture, and vision, and slows the aging process.

Effect of Photoelectricity

Sunlight’s harmless radiation heals fungal and bacterial diseases. The energy received by the bloodstream as a consequence of Chatth Puja increases the function of white blood cells.

In addition, solar energy regulates hormone secretion. Solar energy immediately fulfills the body’s energy requirements, which further detoxifies the body.

Mental Advantages Chath Puja

Rites offer mental peace. Negative emotions such as jealousy, wrath, and others are reduced when prana flow is regularized. Patience and serious practice are required to activate psychic talents such as healing, insight, and telepathy. This is determined by the amount of focus that worshippers practice throughout the celebration.

on chhath puja peoples are standing in the water.
Chhath Puja

The Sunrise and Sunset Importance

The majority of individuals can safely get solar energy only at sunrise and dusk. There may, however, be some exceptions. This is why the Chhath Puja celebration includes the practice of presenting Arghya to the sun in the late evening and early morning.

Chhath Puja Rituals & Traditions

Chhath Puja is an ancient festival devoted to Bhagwan Surya (Sun God). It is observed to express gratitude to Surya for bestowing gifts and preserving life and energy on Earth. The rites and customs of Chhath Puja are extremely difficult, since the Vratti or devotee fasts for 36 hours without eating or drinking anything. The ceremonies and customs are explained in depth here.

Traditions and Rituals

First day: Naha Khay (Bath and Eat) – The first day of the Dala Chhath is known as Naha Khay. On this day, the Vratti bathes in the Ganga and brings the holy water from the river home to cook Prasad.

Day Two: Kharna- Devotees undergo a long day fast (without water). They fast all day and break their fast in the evening after worshipping Chhathi Maiya and eating Prasad. Prasad (offering) is comprised of Rasiao-kheer (cooked rice with milk), puris (deep-fired puffs) or chapattis, and bananas.

Other family members and neighbors are given the Prasad.

Day Three: Sandhya Arghya (Evening Offering): On the third day, Vrattis fast without drink or food. The entire day is devoted to preparing the puja offerings. All offerings (Arghya) are stored in Dauri (a bamboo stick basket), Supali (a fine bamboo stick basket), or a metal basket.

Thekua, Puri, Coconut, Banana, Apple, Orange, and other seasonal fruits are among the selections. People travel to the banks of a river, pond, or other body of pure water to perform nighttime rites. All of the Vrattis, their families, friends, and neighbors gather there to give Sandhya Arghya to the Sun God.

Kosi (Kostya):

Kosi dharna, also known as Kostya, is one of the most vibrant and beautiful activities held during Chhath Pooja. It is celebrated in angina or the courtyard of the house after the Sandhya Arghya or Sanjhiya Ghaat. Kosi is often clay pots or lamps maintained beneath the shade of five or twenty-four sugarcane sticks bound with a yellow cloth.

The same kosi rite is performed on the ghats in the early morning before Bhorwa, Bihani, or Morning Arghya.

Day Four: Bihaniya or Bhorwa Ghat (Morning Arghya):
This is the concluding day of this fortunate and sacred celebration. Devotees congregate on the riverbank with their families and friends to make bhorwa arghya (morning offerings) to the rising Sun. Following arghya, devotees kneel at the ghat to worship Chathi Maiya, distribute thekua, and return home. When the devotees or vrattis come from the ghat, they seek the blessings of the elders and break their fast by eating ginger with water.

Then several delectable delicacies are prepared to offer the Vratti. This is the most crucial aspect of the ceremony.

chhath puja
Chhath puja

During the celebration, females spend the night singing traditional Chhath songs such as-

Farela kelawa jey ghawad sey…
Oh mandaraaye par sooga…..
Paisee suruj mal ke amma…..
Hello, Uditanaatha… bihaan ho gelo…..
Hey Chhathi maiya, roonki jhunki beti maangila padhala pandita damaad…..
Moonger, moonger, moonger, moonger, moonger, moonger, moonger, moonger, moonger, moonger, moonger, moonger, moonger Chalaali saama khele…
Ho bhouji sung saheli…..
Baans ke bahangiya kaachi kaachi…
lachkat bahangi jaye… Etc.

Because Chhath Puja falls in the month of Kartik, the Vratti and family members are strictly prohibited from consuming any non-vegetarian food. The meal is completely vegetarian and is lovingly prepared without the use of salt, garlic, or onion.

Once a family’s lady folk begin conducting Chhath Puja. The ritual is passed down from generation to generation. If you are unable to fast or fulfill the customs for whatever reason, it is recommended that the arghya be offered by another Vratti.

The Vratti who is unable to provide arghya is said to fast. As Chatthi Maiya bestows her blessings on everyone, assisting a vratti during Chhath Puja is viewed as the most auspicious thing or the finest act of life.

Dandwat Pranam

During Chhath Puja, there is also a tradition of “Dandwat Pranam” or “Dand Khinchna. Both men and women who have wanted or hope to achieve anything take an oath to go to the Chhath Ghat by laying on the ground and saluting in basic cloth.

They begin “Dandwat Pranaam” as soon as Chhath Daura arrives on the Ghat. The devotee creates a circle line with a “Kanda,” a sort of stick commonly accessible in the neighborhood or in fields, by lying on the ground on his stomach and stretching both hands in “Pranaam Mudra. The devotee bathes in the holy river and worships Chhathi Maiya after landing on the Ghat after “Dand.


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