Raksha Bandhan 2023 : Date, History, Significance, Celebration

Raksha Bandhan 2023

Raksha Bandhan is a special day when brothers and sisters celebrate their love. Sisters tie colorful threads, called Rakhis, on their brothers’ wrists. Brothers promise to protect their sisters. We eat sweets, play games, and have fun together. It’s a day full of love and happiness!

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I. Introduction

Have you heard about the super cool festival called Raksha Bandhan? Well, it’s an amazing day full of love and promises between brothers and sisters. Let’s dive into the world of Raksha Bandhan and learn what makes it so special in 2023!

A. What is Raksha Bandhan?

Raksha Bandhan is a special festival celebrated in India. It’s all about brothers and sisters. The word “Raksha” means protection, and “Bandhan” means bond or tie. So, Raksha Bandhan is like a “protection bond” festival.

On this day, sisters tie a colorful thread called “Rakhi” around their brothers’ wrists. It’s a way for sisters to show their love and ask for their brothers’ protection. In return, brothers promise to take care of their sisters and give them special gifts.

Rakhi is not just a thread; it’s a symbol of the strong bond between brothers and sisters. It’s a day to celebrate their love and friendship. Families also get together, eat delicious food, and have a lot of fun.

So, Raksha Bandhan is a day to show love, and care, and promise to protect each other brothers and sisters. It’s a lovely festival that brings families closer.

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B. Why is it celebrated?

Main two reasons to celebrate Raksha Bandhan

  • Showing Love to Brothers and Sisters: Raksha Bandhan is a special day to celebrate the love between brothers and sisters. It’s like a day to say, “I love you” to your sibling. Sisters tie a colorful thread called ‘Rakhi’ on their brother’s wrist. This thread is a symbol of love and protection. In return, the Brothers promise to take care of their sisters and give them Money and Gifts.
  • Promising Protection: The word “Raksha” means protection, and “Bandhan” means a bond. So, Raksha Bandhan is all about the bond of protection. The sisters tie the Rakhi on their brother’s wrist to show that they trust him to protect them from trouble. And then Brothers promise to look after and care for their sisters. It’s like a special promise day between siblings.

So, Raksha Bandhan is a joyful day when brothers and sisters celebrate their love and promise to be there for each other, no matter what. It’s a day to strengthen the beautiful bond they share.

II. Date and Timing

Raksha Bandhan Date in 2023: It will be celebrated on 30th August, which is a Wednesday.

Raksha Bandhan Ceremony Timing for 2023: The special thread-tying ceremony, called the “Thread Ceremony,” should be done after 09:01 PM in the evening.

Purnima Tithi (the full moon day when Raksha Bandhan is celebrated) begins on 30th August from 10:58 AM in the morning and ends at 07:05 AM on 31st August. So, Raksha Bandhan is celebrated during this time when the moon is full and bright in the sky.

Raksha Bandhan Dates for the Next 5 Years

The following table shows the dates of Raksha Bandhan for the next five years:

Date Day Year
30th August Wednesday 2023
19th August Monday 2024
9th August Saturday 2025
28th August Friday 2026
17th August Tuesday 2027

Raksha Bandhan Muhurat Timing

This year, Raksha Bandhan will be celebrated on 30th August 2023.

Following are the Muhurat timings for the celebration of this auspicious festival:

  • Time for the Raksha Bandhan Thread Ceremony: after 9:00 PM
  • Raksha Bandhan Bhadra ends at 9:01 o’clock
  • Raksha Bandhan Bhadra Punchha is held from 5:00 to 6:00.
  • Raksha Bandhan Bhadra Mukha, from 6:30 to 8:11
  • Muhurat is only available following Pradosh when Bhadra has ended.
  • Beginning at 10:58 AM on August 30, 2023, Purnima Tithi
  • On August 31, 2023, at 7:05 AM, the Purnima Tithi ends.
Title Raksha Bandhan
Category Festival
Year 2023
Date Wednesday, August 30
Time 9:28 to 21:14
Significance Love and Protection
Homepage goodbitinfo

A. When is Raksha Bandhan in 2023?

Raksha Bandhan is a special festival for brothers and sisters to show their love and care for each other. But when exactly is Raksha Bandhan in 2023? Let’s find out!

This year, in 2023, Raksha Bandhan will be celebrated on Wednesday, August 30th. It’s not always on the same date because it follows a different date in the Hindu calendar, which is called the lunar calendar. So, it can be in July or August.

B. Why does the date change every year?

Have you ever wondered why Raksha Bandhan, the special day when brothers and sisters celebrate their love, doesn’t always fall on the same date every year? Well, there’s a simple and interesting reason behind it!

Raksha Bandhan follows the Hindu calendar, which is different from the regular calendar most people use. The Hindu calendar is based on the moon, and it has different months and days than the calendar you see on your wall.

Here’s the main reason: Raksha Bandhan is celebrated on the full moon day of a special month called Shravan. However because the Hindu calendar is based on the moon, the date of the full moon changes every year. That’s why Raksha Bandhan can be in July or August.

Imagine the moon like a balloon that’s slowly changing its shape. Sometimes it’s round and full, and other times it’s just a tiny sliver. Raksha Bandhan happens when the moon is big and round in the sky.

So, because the moon’s cycle is different from the regular calendar, the date of Raksha Bandhan changes each year. But no matter when it is, the most important thing is the love and happiness brothers and sisters share on this special day. That’s what makes Raksha Bandhan so wonderful, no matter the date!

III. Significance

Raksha Bandhan is not just a regular day; it’s a super special day for brothers and sisters. Let’s explore why this day is so important, even for us 5th graders!

1. The Bond of Love: Raksha Bandhan is all about celebrating the strong bond between brothers and sisters. It’s a day when we show how much we care for each other. Sisters tie a colorful thread called a “Rakhi” on their brother’s wrist, and brothers promise to protect their sisters.

2. Promising Protection: When a sister ties a Rakhi on her brother’s wrist, it’s like a magical spell of love and protection. Brothers promise to take care of their sisters, no matter what. It’s like a superhero promise!

3. Family Love: Raksha Bandhan is a day when families come together. We decorate our homes, make yummy food, and share laughter with our loved ones. It’s a time for family togetherness and happiness.

4. Celebrating Sibling Love: It’s a day to celebrate the unique and wonderful relationship we have with our siblings. We might have arguments and fights sometimes, but deep down, we love and care for each other a lot.

5. Special Tradition: Raksha Bandhan is an age-old tradition, which means people have been celebrating it for a very, very long time. It’s like passing down a beautiful secret from one generation to the next.

So, Raksha Bandhan isn’t just about tying a thread; it’s about celebrating the amazing love we have for our brothers and sisters. It’s a day filled with love, promises, and lots of fun. It’s a day to say, “I love you” to your siblings and show them how much they mean to you!

A. The bond between brothers and sisters

The bond between brothers and sisters is super special. We share secrets, have fun, and sometimes argue, but deep down, we love and protect each other. Raksha Bandhan is a day to celebrate this strong, unbreakable bond and promise to always be there for one another.

B. The promise of protection

On Raksha Bandhan, when a sister ties a colorful Rakhi on her brother’s wrist, he promises to protect her like a brave knight. It’s like a superhero promise, a shield of love that makes sisters feel safe and loved.

C. Celebrating love and family

Celebrating Rakhi is like having a big family hug! We decorate our homes, eat tasty food, and laugh together. It’s a day to tell our brothers and sisters how much we love them and promise to protect each other. It’s all about family love and togetherness!


IV. Preparations

Getting ready for Raksha Bandhan is so exciting! We go shopping for colorful Rakhis and special gifts. Our homes get a makeover with decorations. We prepare delicious sweets and treats to share with our family. It’s a fun time of getting everything ready for the big day!

A. Shopping for Rakhi – A Fun Adventure!

Shopping for Rakhi is like going on a cool adventure! We visit colorful markets filled with all kinds of Rakhis. There are sparkly ones, cartoon ones, and even superhero Rakhis. We pick the one we think our brother will like the most. It’s a fun part of Raksha Bandhan!

B. Preparing gifts for siblings

Getting ready for Rakhi is super exciting! We pick out special gifts for our brothers and sisters. Sometimes it’s toys, chocolates, or even something we made ourselves, like a card. These gifts show how much we care and make the day extra special!

C. Decorating the house

Decorating the house for Rakhi is so much fun! We put up colorful Rangoli designs at the doorstep and hung pretty decorations all around. It makes our home look super festive and special. It’s like giving our house a big, happy smile for the celebration!

V. Rakhi Thread

The Rakhi thread is like a colorful bracelet made with love. Sisters tie it on their brother’s wrist, and it’s super special because it shows their bond. It’s not just a thread; it’s a magical string of love and protection that brothers wear proudly.

A. What is a Rakhi?

A Rakhi is like a magical bracelet made of colorful threads and sometimes beads or tiny decorations. It’s really pretty! Sisters tie it on their brother’s wrist on Raksha Bandhan. It’s not just a bracelet; it’s a special symbol of love and protection. Brothers wear it proudly to show they’ll take care of their sisters. It’s like a super special friendship band, but even more important!

B. How is it tied on the brother’s wrist?

Tying a Rakhi on a brother’s wrist is like a special ceremony. First, the sister gets a beautiful Rakhi. Then, she puts a tilak (a colorful mark) on her brother’s forehead. After that, she ties the Rakhi thread on his wrist and says sweet words. It’s like a colorful bracelet made of love!

VI. Raksha Bandhan Rituals

Raksha Bandhan is full of fun and special things we do. Here are the cool rituals we follow, just like in a treasure hunt!

A. Sister tying the Rakhi

Rakhi Time: The sister ties a Rakhi on her brother’s wrist. It’s like a magical bracelet that says, “You’re my superhero!”

B. Brother giving gifts and promises

Promises, Promises: Brothers promise to protect their sisters. It’s like a secret superhero pact, but it’s all about love.

C. Aarti and tilak ceremony

Aarti and Tilak: Sisters put a colorful mark called “tilak” on their brother’s forehead. We also do aarti, which is like a mini-prayer to keep our brothers safe.

D. Sweets exchange

Yummy Sweets: We share delicious sweets and treats. It’s like a sweet hug for our taste buds.

These rituals make Rakhi a super special day where we celebrate the love between brothers and sisters. It’s like a treasure hunt of love and promises!

VII. Celebration

When Raksha Bandhan arrives, it’s party time! Families come together, and we have lots of fun.

  • Dress-Up: We wear our best clothes, like pretty dresses and cool shirts, to look nice for the special day.
  • Home Decor: Our homes get all dressed up too! We decorate them with colorful Rakhis, flowers, and lights to make them look super pretty.
  • Tasty Treats: Yummy food is a must! We enjoy sweets, like tasty ladoos and chocolates, and lots of other delicious dishes.
  • Family Love: The best part is spending time with our family. We play games, share stories, and laugh a lot.
  • Gift Exchange: Brothers give special gifts to their sisters, like toys, books, or anything they like. It’s like a surprise party within a party!

Raksha Bandhan is a day of celebration, happiness, and family love. It’s like a big, warm hug from everyone you love!

VIII. Raksha Bandhan Games

On Raksha Bandhan, we play fun games with our brothers and sisters. These games make the day even more exciting! Here are some games we might play:

  • Hide and Seek: It’s like a game of hide and seek, but with a twist. Brothers hide and sisters seek, and when someone is found, they get a sweet treat!
  • Rakhi Quiz: We can have a quiz about Raksha Bandhan. It’s a fun way to learn more about the festival.
  • Tug of War: This is a game where we see who’s stronger. Brothers and sisters form teams and try to pull a rope to their side.
  • Rakhi-Making Contest: We can have a contest to see who can make the most beautiful Rakhi. The winner gets a special prize!
  • Board Games: Sometimes, we play board games like chess, snakes and ladders, or card games. It’s all about having a good time together.

These games add extra joy and laughter to our Rakhi celebrations. They’re a way to bond and make wonderful memories with our siblings!

IX. Rakhi Return Gifts

Guess what? Raksha Bandhan is not just about sisters tying a Rakhi and brothers giving promises. Sisters also get special gifts called “Rakhi Return Gifts”! It’s like a sweet surprise after all the love and promises. These gifts are a way for brothers to say “thank you” and make their sisters happy.

Sisters might get all sorts of cool presents like toys, books, chocolates, or even things they really like. It’s a way for brothers to show how much they love and appreciate their sisters.

So, Rakhi Return Gifts are like a big, happy “thank you” from brothers to sisters for all the love and for tying that special Rakhi on their wrist. It’s a way to make the day even more special and full of smiles!


Raksha Bandhan is an amazing festival for brothers and sisters. We’ve learned so much about it! It’s a day to celebrate love, promises, and family. We tie beautiful Rakhis, play fun games, eat tasty treats, and give and get special gifts. But most importantly, it’s a day to say, “I love you” to our brothers and sisters and show how much they mean to us. So, let’s keep celebrating Raksha Bandhan with big smiles and big hearts!

X. Ending Note

I hope you had a fantastic time learning all about Raksha Bandhan! It’s a day filled with love, promises, and fun. So, here’s a little ending note for you:

A. I want to encourage everyone to celebrate Raksha Bandhan with lots of love and joy. Whether you’re a brother or a sister, it’s a chance to show your love for your sibling. Don’t forget to give them a big hug and maybe even a special gift!

B. Wishing each and every one of you a very, very happy Raksha Bandhan! May your day be filled with laughter, yummy treats, and the warmth of family. Enjoy this special day, and remember the love between siblings is one of the best things in the world!

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