PM Matritva Vandana Yojana Helping Pregnant Moms

Hey there, young friends. Today, we’re going to talk about a special government program called “PM Matritva Vandana Yojana.” This program is all about giving some extra help to pregnant women to keep them and their babies healthy. Let’s explore it step by step.
Prime Minister Matritva Vandana Yojana is like a special gift from our Prime Minister, Mr. Modi. He started this in 2017. The idea is to give money to pregnant women. So they can take good care of themselves and their babies.

Why Was PM Matritva Vandana Yojana Started?

Being pregnant can be tough sometimes. It can cost a lot of money for healthy food and doctor visits. So, the government decided to give ₹6000 to pregnant women to make things easier for them.

Who Can Get Help from PM Matritva Vandana Yojana?

Now, let’s find out who can get this help:
  • If you are at least 19 years old and carrying a child. 
  • You are pregnant on January 1, 2017, or later.
  • if your family is not very rich.
  • If you do not have a government job.
  • One thing to keep in mind is that assistance is only provided if the kid is born alive. Sadly, the mother will not receive the money if the baby dies.

How Does PM Matritva Vandana Scheme Work?

The government gives the money in three parts:
  • First, they give ₹1000. Moms should apply within 5 months of pregnancy and show some important papers.
  • Then, they give ₹2000. To get this, moms should apply within 7 months of pregnancy and show some documents too.
  • Lastly, they give ₹2000 after the baby is born, and the birth is registered. Moms need to show some papers here as well.

How Can You Apply for PM Matritva Vandana Scheme?

 You can apply for this help in two ways:
  •  Online: Go to the special website, fill in some information, and share some documents online.
  • Offline: Visit the Anganwadi center, pick up a form, fill it out, attach your papers, and give it to the people there.
Helpline Number
Make sure to keep your papers safe.
If you have questions or need help, you can call a special number: 011-23382393.

Latest News

Now, there’s some exciting news. Moms can get ₹6000 even if they have a second baby girl. But there are some rules to follow, like having a family with not much money and having a special card.
So, that’s Prime Minister Matritva Vandana Yojana. It’s all about helping moms have healthy babies.
Remember, the government cares about moms and babies. This program is here to make sure they have what they need. Stay healthy and happy, everyone.

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