Top 10 Moon Flower – That Bloom at Night

Do you want your garden to come alive with enchanting blooms that shine under the moon’s gentle glow? Well, you’re in for a treat. We’ve got a list of ten fantastic Moon Flower that bloom at night. They’re like nature’s own nightlights.

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Top 10 Moon Flower

Let’s dive in and explore these amazing moonflowers and their magical qualities. 🌙🌼

1. Moonflower Magic

moon flower
  • Specialty: Creamy white blooms that open at night.
  • Where to Find: Grow them in zones 3 to 9 with moist, well-draining soil and full sun.

Imagine a flower that wakes up when the stars twinkle. Meet the Moonflower, a night-blooming cousin of the morning glory. These creamy white blossoms unfurl when the sun goes to bed.

They’re as delicate as they are stunning, and they can grow in many places (zones 3 to 9). Just give them some moist soil and plenty of sunshine.

2. Nighttime Sweetness

Night Phlox
Night Phlox
  • Specialty: Honey-like fragrance after sunset.
  • Where to Find: Perfect for zones 9 to 10, in warm weather with moist, well-draining soil.

Moon Flower

All the way from South Africa, we have the Night Phlox. These little daisy-like flowers are not only lovely but also give off a sweet honey-like scent after sunset.

They create lush, low-growing clumps that look so green and pretty. These flowers are perfect for borders, rock gardens, and containers, especially in warmer areas (zones 9 to 10).

3. Gardenia’s Evening Charm

  • Specialty: Intense fragrance and tiny white blossoms.
  • Where to Find: Zones 7 to 11, with some morning sun and moist soil.

tiny white flowers

The Gardenia is a classic beauty with tiny white flowers against dark, waxy green leaves. Their fragrance is simply heavenly, especially when the night falls.

Gardenias love warm evenings and emit even more perfume to woo moths, their nighttime pollinator friends. They thrive in zones 7 to 11, with some morning sun and moist, but not soggy, soil.

4. Lady of the Night

Night Blooming Jasmine
Night Blooming Jasmine
  • Specialty: Intense tropical fragrance and versatile as a vine.
  • Where to Find: Zones 9 to 11, with moist soil and six hours of sunlight per day.

Don’t be fooled by the name—Night-Blooming Jasmine is not a true Jasmine but a nightshade. These tropical evergreen shrubs love to show off their night blooms and their intense fragrance. Plant them near a window or door, and you can enjoy their sweet scent indoors, too. They thrive in zones 9 to 11, with moist soil and lots of sunlight.

5. Four O’Clock Alba

Four O'Clock Alba
Four O’Clock Alba
  • Specialty: Unfolds its petals in the late afternoon and stays open at night.
  • Where to Find: Ideal for zones 7 to 10, in full sun with well-draining soil.

Just as the clock strikes four in the afternoon, these beautiful white blossoms start to unfold. Their light citrusy scent fills the evening air, and they look stunning with their deep green leaves. They enjoy full sun and well-draining soil in zones 7 to 10.

6. Mock Orange’s Sweet Aroma

Mock Orange
Mock Orange
  • Specialty: Aroma similar to springtime orange blossoms.
  • Where to Find: Thrives in zones 4 to 8, with moist, well-draining soil and full sun.

The Mock Orange shrub gets its name because its tiny white blossoms smell just like springtime orange blossoms. You can even bring some inside for a gorgeous floral arrangement. They prefer moist, well-draining soil and full sun in zones 4 to 8.

7. Evening Primrose’s Delicate Beauty

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  • Specialty: Delicate pink-and-white rosette-like flowers that open in the evening.
  • Where to Find: Hardy in zones 4 to 9, with full sun and well-draining soil.

Evening Primrose is like a show that starts at twilight and goes late into the evening. These hardy plants have rosette-like flowers in delicate pink and white colors. They are super easy to take care of, love the sun (zones 4 to 9), and enjoy well-draining soil.

8. Casa Blanca Lily’s Grandeur

Casa Blanca Lily
Casa Blanca Lily
  • Specialty: Large white blooms with red-brown anthers.
  • Where to Find: Suitable for zones 4 to 9, as long as the soil is moist and they get some sunlight.

magnificent flower

If you want a magnificent flower that blooms at night. Look no further than the Casa Blanca Lily. These large white blooms with red-brown anthers are a sight to behold.

Just remember, they’re toxic to pets, so keep them out of their reach. You can grow them in zones 4 to 9, as long as the soil stays moist and they get some sunlight.

9. Queen of the Night Cactus

Queen of the Night Cactus
Queen of the Night Cactus
  • Specialty: Large trumpet-shaped white or yellow blossoms on a prickly cactus.
  • Where to Find: Perfect for the Southwest or as an indoor addition. Keep it in warm temperatures and well-draining cactus mix soil.

The Queen of the Night cactus is like a hidden treasure in the Sonoran Desert. It may look tough and prickly, but it surprises everyone with its large trumpet-shaped white or yellow blossoms that shine in the night.

If you’re in the Southwest, it’s perfect for your garden, and it does well indoors in other regions. Keep it in warm temperatures and well-draining cactus mix soil.

10. Nocturnum Orchid’s Tropical Splendor

Nocturnum Orchid's Tropical Splendor
Nocturnum Orchid’s Tropical Splendor
  • Specialty: Dark green foliage and fruity fragrance reminiscent of strawberries or raspberries.
  • Where to Find: Ideal for zones 9 to 11, in a wet, tropical climate with indirect sunlight and well-draining soil mixed with sphagnum moss.

unique white blossoms

If you live in a wet, tropical place. You’re in for a fruity treat. The Nocturnum Orchid has dark green foliage and unique white blossoms with a fruity fragrance reminiscent of strawberries or raspberries.

These beauties enjoy zones 9 to 11, indirect sunlight, and well-draining soil mixed with sphagnum moss.


Now, imagine your garden as a magical place under the Moon Flower gentle glow, filled with these amazing night-blooming flowers. The night will never be the same again, thanks to these natural wonders! 🌙🌸✨

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