Maharashtra Lek Ladki Yojana 2023: Helping Girls in Maharashtra

Do you know there is a new plan in Maharashtra? To help girls get a good education? It is called the Maharashtra Lek Ladki Yojana 2023.

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Let’s explore what it’s all about.

What is Maharashtra Lek Ladki Yojana?

The Maharashtra Lek Ladki Yojana is like a special plan made by the Maharashtra government. It’s here to give some extra help to girls. Those who want to study but may not have enough money.

Many times, girls from not-so-rich families can not finish their studies. Because their families can’t afford it. This plan is here to change that.

Why is it Important?

The main goal of this plan is to help girls in Maharashtra. Get a good education without making their families worried about money. Some families don’t have much money. This can stop girls from going to school. This plan wants to make sure all girls can go to school and learn.


Title Maharashtra Lek Ladki Yojana 2023
Category Yojna
Year 2023
Who Started Maharashtra government
State Maharashtra
Main Goal help girls in Maharashtra
Official Website Maharashtra-lek-ladki-scheme
Announced by Sh. Devendra Fadnavis (Finance Minister of Maharashtra)
Homepage goodbitinfo
Objective Educating girls
Application Online Application
Helpline Number Not released

Good Things About This Plan

Now, let’s talk about the good stuff this plan does:

  • Money from Birth: When a baby girl is born, her family gets some money, about Rs. 5,000.
  • First Grade Support: When the girl starts school (first grade), she gets Rs. 4,000.
  • Sixth Grade Help: In the sixth grade, she gets Rs. 6,000.
  • High School Support: When she reaches the 11th grade, she gets Rs. 8,000.
  • More for College: After she turns 18, she gets about Rs. 75,000 to help her go to college or learn more.

Who Can Get Help?

To get help with this plan, you need to be from Maharashtra, have school papers, and tell them how much money your family makes. This way, they make sure the right people get help.

What Papers You Need

Here are the papers you need:

  • Aadhar Card
  • Birth Certificate
  • School Papers
  • Domicile Certificate
  • Income Certificate
  • A Photo
  • Your Phone Number

How to Apply

We are currently unsure of the specific application process. So we will learn more as they inform us. For the latest update, visit the official website. It will be easy to apply once they explain it.


The Maharashtra Lek Ladki Yojana is like a superhero for girls in Maharashtra. It’s here to make sure all girls can study and become super-smart. Keep an eye out for how to join this Scheme and be part of something great. 😊


Q: When did they talk about the Maharashtra Lake Ladki Yojana?

A: They chatted about it when they made the Maharashtra budget for 2023-24.

Q: What’s this Maharashtra Lake Ladki Scheme all about?

A: It’s a plan for school stuff, so girls can do better in their studies.

Q: How can you get the good things from the Maharashtra Lake Ladki Scheme?

A: You have to use the computer and sign up online.

Q: How do you sign up for the Maharashtra Lake Ladki Scheme?

A: Right now, the government didn’t tell us how to sign up, so we’re waiting for the instructions.

Q: Where can you find the special website for the Maharashtra Lake Ladki Scheme?

A: The special website is just called the “official website.” That’s where you can find the important info.

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