Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme 2023

The Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme is a plan by the Karnataka government. This yojna helps young people in Karnataka who don’t have jobs. They want to give money every month. To those who finished their studies but are still looking for work. Let’s learn more about this yojna.

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What is the Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme?

It’s a plan to give money to young people in Karnataka. Who are educated but don’t have a job yet.

Who can get this help?

People in Karnataka who finished their studies but don’t have a job yet.

How much money will this yojna get?

People with a college degree get Rs. 3000 every month. Those with a diploma get Rs. 1500 every month.

How to apply?

You can apply online when the official website is ready. You’ll need some documents like :

  • Aadhaar card, proof that you live in Karnataka.
  • A paper showing you don’t have a job.
  • Education Certificate.

Why do they do this?

This yojna helps young people in Karnataka who don’t have jobs. So, they can take care of their families.

Some Important Points

  • The money will be put directly in the bank account of the person.
  • The help will continue until the person finds a job.
  • You can apply online or go to special places to apply in person.


The program wants to help young people in Karnataka who are looking for employment. It gives them money every month until they find a job. This helps them and their families.

FAQs – Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme 2023

Q1: What is the Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme?

A1: The Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme is a government program in Karnataka that gives monthly financial help to young people who finished their studies but don’t have a job yet.

Q2: How much money do people get under this Yojna?

A2: Those with a college degree get Rs. 3000 every month, and those with a diploma get Rs. 1500 every month.

Q3: Who can apply for the Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Yojna?

A3: People in Karnataka who finished their studies but are still looking for a job can apply.

Q4: How can I apply for the scheme?

A4: You can apply online once the official website is ready. You’ll need documents like your Aadhaar card, proof of living in Karnataka, proof of unemployment, and educational papers.

Q5: Why does the government have this scheme?

A5: The government wants to help young people who don’t have jobs so they can take care of themselves and their families.

Q6: How is the money given to the beneficiaries?

A6: The money is directly put into the bank account of the person who needs help.

Q7: How long will the financial assistance continue?

A7: The assistance will continue until the person finds a job.

Q8: Can I apply for the Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme offline?

A8: Yes, you can. There are special places where you can go in person to apply.

Q9: When does the Karnataka Yuva Nidhi Scheme start?

A9: The scheme may start from August. Keep an eye out for updates.

Q10: Is there a helpline number for assistance?

A10: The helpline number is not available yet. Please wait for further announcements.

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